Saturday, January 22, 2011

10 VOWS OF SUCCESS -Og Mandino through Hafid

1. Never again will I pity 
or belittle myself.

2. Never again will I greet the dawn without a map.

3. Always will I bathe my days in the 

golden glow of enthusiasm.

4. Never again will I be disagreeable to a living soul.

5. Always will I seek the seed of triumph in every adversity.

6. Never again will I perform any task 
at less than my best. 

7. Always will I throw my whole self into the task at hand.

8. Never again will I wait and hope for 

opportunity to embrace me.

9. Never will I examine, each night, 

my deeds of the fading day.

10. Always will I maintain contact, 
through prayer, 
with my Creator.